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InstallShield / Wise

Suppose We have two teams ..
Is it possible to Use two different Tools for creating MSI
one team as wise
other team installshield for the same organisation

Pls Suggest
(6) Replies
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
A validated MSI is an MSI is an MSI... whether you use Installshield or Wise, if the end result is a validated MSI, you can have your two teams of packagers if you wish.
Is it possible to edit the msi created by Wise with installshiled..

Will there b any prob
If you use ORCA tool from microsoft then 'Yes'.
With Developer and DevStudio, you can open MSI file in Direct Edit Mode.
ORCA is it avlb free?
Yes. Its a part of Windows Installer SDK and is available at