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Install Conditions - Newbie Question

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I have just started to use Admin Studio 5.0 after migfrating from wise.

I need to do the following:

1. Immediatly check to see if a registry key is present.
2. If it is exit, else continue with the install.

things I have done,

Added a search to the system search to find this key.... but them I am stuck. Im not sure of the syntax for the install condition or if I have done the system search properly.

Please help!!


(3) Replies
To verify that the system search worked, you might create an MSI log file while deploying your installation: running the command

msiexec /i product.msi /Lp properties.log

should do it. The log file should show all the properties set by your installation, and this will tell you if your system-search property was filled in.

As for the launch condition, you might set the condition to:


(or whatever property name you used in the system search) and then define an exit message if the condition fails (that is, if the registry key exists).
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Thankyou very much for that, it all sounds perfect and I have tried it, but I still seem to be missing something.

Do I have to add the search into the sequences somehow?

Because it installs wether the reg key is there or not!

Maybe I have setup my search wrong? I did the Wizard in the end and let it add an Install condition.

please help

Thanks in advance

No, the AppSearch action should already be in your project, so you shouldn't need to add it; have you run the MSI debugger or created a log file to verify that the property associated with your search is being set? Perhaps post what you entered as your search properties?