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I have two shortcuts, one advertised and one normal, both install a file and a shortcut to the file. The normal shortcut generates the ice57 error.
Why does the normal shortcut generate an error and not the advertised?
Is there a good reason to fix it, or is it just a waste of time? :confused:
(4) Replies
ICE57 validates that individual components do not mix per-machine and per-user data. Mixing per-user and per-machine data in the same component could result in only partial installation of the component for some users in a multi-user environment.
but there's not really any user-data in the component, the only "user-data" is the shortcut. Why is there no per-machine directory to place shortcuts in?
How would you fix it for a shortcut to a folder? :confused:
I don't quite grasp your problem. Ok, I think I understand your two shortcuts, one advertised and one is normal (non-advertised, I presume). What does both refer to? It couldn't be the two shortcuts you mentioned earlier. Shortcuts don't make sense in the context, at least not to me.
KingVoodoo wrote:
I have two shortcuts, one advertised and one normal, both install a file and a shortcut to the file.
Non-advertised shortcut is treated as per-user data. In some sense, advertised shortcut is treated as per-machine data.
KingVoodoo wrote:
but there's not really any user-data in the component, the only "user-data" is the shortcut. Why is there no per-machine directory to place shortcuts in?
For non-advertised shortcut, my intuition is to associate it to a separate component, create a dummy registry entry under HKCU key hive, and set the registry entry as component key. But again, I may have a different implementation given other information.
KingVoodoo wrote:
How would you fix it for a shortcut to a folder?
Thanks TsungH,
you answered my question.
It's not a problem per se, it's just that I get these errors a lot and I don't like to do meaningless work, I have better things to do. Also I don't like to install junk with the applications; I want to keep the machines as clean as possible.
My conclusion is that I can ignore the ice57 errors 😄