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How to view custom templates in Author

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
We are a team of administrators using AdminStudio 3.01 connected to a central SQL database.

In Author's InstallShield Today, when I choose "Create a new project..." there is a window ("Project Type") showing available templates. I can choose a template, write a name for the ism-file and press create to start a project with that template.
We have a central share where we put all our custom made templates.

Now, my problem is:
When I create a new template in our shared folder I want this template to be shown automatically in the window under "Project Type" for all members of our team.
It looks like the information about which templates to show in the "Project Type" window is stored in my computers registry.
Is this information stored in the database aswell or is it only stored in the registry?
It seems that each user must open the template using "File - Open" once in he's Author console in order for it to be shown in the "Project Type:" window.
Is there a way to display the new template automatically?

- Henning -
(1) Reply
The information is only stored in the registry. The only way (currently) to make it appear semi-automatically would be for you to have a master REG file for the template list that is sent out to each team member on a regular basis.