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How to associate the file with the program in the system?

Hi all,
Could someone help me with this problem.I 'd like to create a set up file which can detect the file the the code program so that it can choose the suitable program in the system to open it.
Ex: In the program has the A.txt when I run the set up file,A.txt will open with note pad
if the program has the .dat file,.dat file will open with the windows media
Please help me with this problem
Thank you very much
(2) Replies
You don't say what product you're using, but if you can call Windows APIs from your project, you can use the ShellExecute API to do just that. The Knowledge Base ( has examples.

(In the future, you might consider posting to a specific product forum.)
Thank for your reply
Now I work with the Install Shield AdminStudio 5.0 and I have met a problem. I want to do a set up find to load a web page, after that I can get cookies of that page. I could't find any function in Adminstudio to help me to get and set cookies for the web page? Could someone help me to solve that problem? Thank you