Hello everyone! I'm working on getting our EA team's clearance to incorporate Flexera AdminStudio. After reading the guide, it appears that we will require
Server for applications (I assume this will have the tools we use)
Server for databases (for the application catalog)
Machines that are virtual (for automated testing)
Because I work for a company based in the European Union, data privacy is a major consideration. I'd like to ask you a few particular questions.
I don't require detailed instructions; nonetheless, it would be helpful if someone could tell me if it is doable.
Is it possible to turn off Flexera's collection of anonymous data?
AdminStudio connects to sccm/intune using what type of connection?
Is full internet access required for the package feed module, or can it be limited to a list of flexwra-managed addresses?
I'd appreciate it if someone knew and could enlighten me.
May 19, 2021 03:59 AM
Hello @jesse_22 , thanks for your post.
Here's a simple infrastructure diagram of AdminStudio Enterprise that includes external internet access out to Flexera for the Package Feed Module:
You can choose to opt out of the Customer Experience Improvement Program in AdminStudio, which sends anonymized usage data back to Flexera to help understand what our customers use most/least to better determine what areas of the solution to improve next.
AdminStudio connects to ConfigMgr (SCCM) over the multiple different ports that ConfigMgr itself utilizes; more info here.
AdminStudio connects to Intune over Port 443. Intune itself requires any external applications connecting to it to be registered. More info on configuring that application registration can be found in the AdminStudio product help here.
AdminStudio would require specific access to the Flexera cloud-hosted Package Feed Module system. It would require that network access to https://dl.csi7.secunia.com/ over Port 443 is accessible for both outbound and inbound traffic.
Let us know if that helps. (links to product documentation current as of this posting)
May 19, 2021 09:42 AM