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Error: MSI setups should not be typically repackaged.

Hi I am trying to use the repackager in admin studio 7. I am trying to package up JR2E 1.4.06.exe however I am getting a message

"The current setup is an MSI. MSI setups should not typically be repackaged, instead you should use a transform file"

I tried search the forum and also the knowledge base but it seems you can only apply a transform to a MSI however this java is .exe.

I am using the eval version and will try to contact support on this. I am sure one of you Guru's know the answer so I figured I'd post this here.

Thank you much.
Take care.
(6) Replies
MSI's that are in self extracting setups can still have transforms using one of two methods:

1) Use the setup.exe vendors commandline to pass the transform as an argument. For example if the setup was an InstallShield MSI you would say


2) If the setup.exe is not a self extracting EXE you can alter the vendors configuration file to allow automatic passing of the transform to the MSI. For an example if setup was an InstallShield MSI you could


3) Intercept the MSI. Most vendors extract the MSI from the EXE to a temp dir location. Intercept the files while they are in the temp folder and eliminate the SETUP.EXE all together.

And remember, you can use TUNER to create a transform. Or for a free transform editor download the Windows Installer SDK and check out ORCA.
Thank you for the quick reply. The answer you gave me does not make much sense probably in part I have been using this software for 3 days. I was wondering how to create a transform to this java.exe package, since the repackage is giving me the error above..

I was reading I could do a /R and look for a setup.iss, however the /R does not work with java.

I also tried to create a transform but the software only allowed transforms to be performed on a msi package.

Thanks for the response I appriaciate the effort.
Since you're new at this, you should expect some learning curve. However, if you launch the InstallShield Tuner, you'll see an overview of what it does. Go ahead and click on the selection to Create a new Transform, browse to where your .msi file is and follow the steps. It's really not too difficult and once you've done it a couple of times you'll be a pro at it..... 😉
...and the beauty part of working with Transforms is you can do it over and over until you get it right. No rebuilding systems or snapshots involved.
The other beautiful thing about transforms is that they are basically vendor branches. It's really nice to be able to just get an install from a vendor, tune it up and push it then get an updated install from the vendor and simply retest it against your transform and push again. No re-repackaging needed.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Unless I am mistaken, you are stuck at how to extract the msi from the setup exe. Take a look a here ...

Once you have extracted the MSI you can go about creating trasforms for it using Tuner.
You might also try using InstallScript Scan to convert your .msi install to a basic .msi package.
Go thru the usual steps for capturing your package and use the Single Step method under the Snapshot Method Panel.
When you are prompted, choose Yes to convert the product.
Once it's converted you can either make a transform or edit it in the Repackager.