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Do not use Exlusion List ??

Hello folks. This one has puzzled me. I am repackaging this Installshield Script based setup. I've tried both methods for capturing with no success. This is what happens. Repackager creates my irp file, i successfuly compile the msi and install without any errors. But when i lunch the app, it complains about "registry entry missing from the registry, please contact your administrator". So i thought that maybe some exlusions striped the settings that i needed. I opened isrepackager.ini and removed the whole section that sets registry explusions. Repackaged again. I saw a lot more stuff being captured in the registry, but still the app will not start without that error. The original install works just fine, it does not require any serial numbers or any dungles, so security is not an issue. What should i try?


PS. Install monitor did not work either, same result.

Windows 2000, SP3
(7) Replies
If installing original version on top of repackaged version fixes your problem, I would then get the differences between repackaged and original version. Install repackaged version, take initial snapshot, install original version, take second snapshot. The differences will tell you what are needed for the application, but not in the repackaged version.
Thanks for your reply. Don't you think that original setup will simply rerun the whole install routine and i will capture everything that i captured before? Basically ignore my repackaged msi?

That is not entirely accurate. Yes, the original installation will go through the same process. Some are already installed by repackaged version, some are not. My assumption is, repackaged version is missing something. Installing original version on top of repackaged version will give the differences, and with this approach, Repackager will get only the differences.
InstallMonitor method will capture everyting if you rerun the original setup. That is why, you should use snapshot method which will essentially take the delta differences. Your repackaged MSI is either a subset or similar to the original install. If its a subset then you probably missed out on some entries. And hopefully these missed entries are the one you may be looking
thanks for your replies guys. I did what you suggested with no luck. I took a clean box, loaded my msi, ran repackager (classic mode), installed the original setup...the app started fine, ran repackager again to get the changes. When i opened the irp file, i saw 13 things in the registry. I went ahead and made an msi with all those things untouched. Took another clean box, loaded my original msi and then the one i just created. It still complains about system registry settings missing. What in the world could it be? Can i repackage without an exlusion file? Any other ideas guys?

Thank you
1. What setup are you trying to capture? - MSI based setup or a non-MSI based setup?

2. Can you attach the INC/NIR file for us to diagonize the problem?
it's an installscript based setup