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Converting Zenworks Apps


We've just bought Adminstudio 5,:D and despite successfully converting a couple of apps on the Preview lab some time ago, when I try to convert any of our Zenworks 3.2 Application object, I end up with what looks like the correct info, but all the file sizes are zero bytes. Also, if i build the ism/msi in repackager, the msi is not created, and the ism file, when opened in developer seems to be totally empty.:confused:
Can anyone suggest any clues as to what I'm doing wrong?
Is it somethign in the Zenworks app that needs changing or am I just being stoopid?
(4) Replies
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Can you please zip your zenwork application and send it to us.
I certainyl can, but what E-mail address would you liek me to use?
I notice that form clicking th e-mail link I'm unable to add attachments.


By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Brilliant, thank you.