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Change InstallDir


I've created a snapshot of the installation of a program in AdminStudio through the repackager.
Because of my computer, i've installed the software in D:\Vendor\APP. (i only have C:\ and D:\

But, i have to install the future MSI package in E:\Vendor\APP

I've changed the value of INSTALLDIR in Project-Assistant/Application-information of Installshield.

In Installation Designer/Organization/Features, i can see the new value of destination : E:\Vendor\APP
But in Components, all components point to D:\Vendor\APP

In Application Data/Files and Folders, all files and folders are still under D:\Vendor\APP

What should i do to select E:\Vendor\APP as the default installation directory?

(10) Replies
jerome75 wrote:

I've created a snapshot of the installation of a program in AdminStudio through the repackager.
Because of my computer, i've installed the software in D:\Vendor\APP. (i only have C:\ and D:\

But, i have to install the future MSI package in E:\Vendor\APP

I've changed the value of INSTALLDIR in Project-Assistant/Application-information of Installshield.

In Installation Designer/Organization/Features, i can see the new value of destination : E:\Vendor\APP
But in Components, all components point to D:\Vendor\APP

In Application Data/Files and Folders, all files and folders are still under D:\Vendor\APP

What should i do to select E:\Vendor\APP as the default installation directory?


If you are talking about the IBM Tivoli ISM that looked in earlier then I suggest you start all over again...
You made the mistake of not carefully selecting the INSTALLDIR and this this gives all components another directory except for INSTALLDIR or relative to it.
Changeing this by hand is far more work then doing a new snap, installing it into C:\Program Files\IBM\Tivoli Workload Scheduler\ and pointing the INSTALLDIR to that in the repackager.

reg, Henno.
why you only want me to install the package into C:\?
why not in D:\? or E:\?
jerome75 wrote:
why you only want me to install the package into C:\?
why not in D:\? or E:\?

Drive 😧 and E: are not really "Standard" are they? :cool:
We prefer to make packages that use standard Windows conventions...

reg, Henno
Using C: isnt a standard windows convention and the Windows Installer takes this into account..

Jerome, Add property ROOTDRIVE E:\
Tony_Toni_Tone wrote:
Using C: isnt a standard windows convention and the Windows Installer takes this into account..

Jerome, Add property ROOTDRIVE E:\

I was refering to [ProgramFilesFolder]"Vendorname"\"Productname"

reg, Henno
Ah that makes sense.. 🙂
What a strange idea to install product in Program Files....

My customers use packaging for avoiding to have applications installed on system partition
jerome75 wrote:
What a strange idea to install product in Program Files....

My customers use packaging for avoiding to have applications installed on system partition

You have a customer who is acting against "Nature"**...

** Microsoft.

This makes installations very customized and non-standard.
Making software installations very non-standard is in the long run more expensive to maintain.

reg, Henno
You're the first to tell me this 😉

none packager i know tells me to install in Program Files...they only install packages on a partition which is not the system partition.
That's also the case when you install manually an dont install it on system partition 😉

Hi jerome75,

Try out this.

Go to INstallationInformation -> General Information -> Project Properties, in that change the value of INSTALLDIR property to TARGETDIR.

Go to the component view and ensure that path for all component should be pointed to INSTALLDIR.

It MAY work out.
