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Error when running .MSI

I captured a .exe as it was running, and was trying to create a .MSI I can push out to our users. Some are running WinXP, some are on Windows 7.

When I try to run the MSI on a Windows 7 install, I'm getting:
The install cannot continue because a system reboot is pending

How can I resolve this issue??? I used the AdminStudio 9.5 Repackager tool to create this MSI.

(2) Replies
Open msi in Installshield
Click General Information
Open Install Condition in the left screen (click on the + sign)
Remove the MsiSystemRebootPending<>1 (red cross)
Save and test
@ repackager.. nice answer

but first you need to know WHY this condition was placed there in the first place...:(

Check for the existence of the registrykey : PendingFileRenameOperations

If exists then repackage including a reboot.
