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Can you filter the results of a Validation?

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Is there any way to filter the results of a Validation? In my current example, I’m starting with a vendor MSI which contains a pile of errors. I’ve learned to ignore them because it their MSI and it works, etc, etc. But… (there’s that ‘but’ again) after I apply my transform, I’d like to run a Post Validation on that and be able to see what new errors/warnings pop up. When I do though, it still shows all the originals as well. That’s fine, but I’d really like to filter out the ones that I “choose” to ignore for the moment. Any ideas?

(2) Replies
AdminStudio v5.5 does not allow any specific filtering of ICE errors. You can choose which ICE errors to execute from the ConflictSolver Tools - Options dialog. However, this is an inclusive choice and not the exclusion type choice which I believe you would prefer.

We are planning specific enhancements for the Validation process and it's integration within AdminStudio. If you could explain your requirements, then I can make sure that the feature enhancements will satisfy your needs.

Allen Saxton
InstallShield AdminStudio Development
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
OK, let's start with a fairly straight-forward (at least from my perspective 🙂 ) enhancement. After running prevalidation on a vendor's MSI, I think it would be nice to be able to suppress those errors/warnings later (such as during the postvalidation that I would run after creating my MST). No, actually I wouldn't limit it to any one time as a packager might want to filter the view of that log file at many different times throughout the process.

This could be in the form of a single option (e.g. a checkbox for "suppress original ICE error/warnings") or a more detailed interface where you could go down through the log file, right-click on a line and have a menu of options:
- suppress once (this error/warning is ignored the next time you run a validation),
- suppress (this error/warning is ignored from this point on),
- revert (all error/warnings are reported again) and,
- ??? (can anyone think of any others to add?).

*Note* When I say "this error/warning" I'm referring to that particular line item in the log, not every instance of that particular ICE error.
