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Automatic repairs on advertised shortcuts


I have a general question about automatic repairs when clicking on an advertised shortcut. In almost every application I've repackaged there are registry keys in HKCU that needs to be applied during installation. They are always applied for the user that runs the installation but if I log on with a different user the behavior is not consistent. When the new user launches the application, sometimes it triggers an automatic repair of the application that applies the registry keys in HKCU and sometimes it doesn't. What is it that causes an advertised shortcut to trigger a repair or not?

(3) Replies
Hi Down,

In Advertisement, the installer registers the application, creates shortcuts and menu entries, associates file types etc. without actually copying the application files to the hard drive. I you or another application tries to access the advertised program, it is installed on demand. Hence when you click on the advertised shortcut on your machine, it first goes for self-healing (installing the files/registry etc) and then the application is launched.


Thanks for your reply but I think that you misunderstood me or I wasn't explaining so well. I have for example two msi packages, each contains registry keys to be placed under HKCU. I install each using "msiexec /i [msi] /qb ALLUSERS=2" as, say, user1. Every registry key is written as I want it in that user profile. I then log out and log in as user2. When I start application1 it starts an autorepair and all registry keys under HKCU are written and everything is peachy. I shut application1 down and start application2 which doesn't autorepair when it starts the first time on that profile, thus, registry keys under HKCU are missing and the application doesn't quite work as intended.

What is the difference between the packages causing application1 to autorepair when launched on a new user profile and not when launching application2 ? Both shortcuts have "Advertised shortcut" set to "yes" in the editor.


I think you need to check the "Key Registry" value in the Current User component in both the packages. Please see that if key registry is present, the package will not go for auto repair. For ex. if App1 and App2 has keypath set to:


with different values, then auto-repair will not get triggered for the application installed afterwards.

Hope I am clear this time :eek: