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Trouble with a new Install

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Greetings! I am new to this community, and also a new AdminStudio user, and I'm looking foward to working with this great product!

We just purchased AdminSudio 6.0 Pro and I am having trouble installing it on a server. After numerous attempts, I get the same message in the event log:

AdminStudio.exe - Unable To Locate Component : This application has failed to start because ISUIConflictServices.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

All the individual components work by browsing through Start>Programs>InstallShield>Admin Studio 6 Tools. I can open each program individually, but not the main interface.

The installation is Client Only, and the server is 2k3...

Any tips on where to go to correct this would be appreciated.
(3) Replies
I just fixed this this morning by manually creating the PATH entry.(which wasn't there)
Can you tell me what path you are going on about please.

I have the same issue

Many thanks
well, I looked at my path & expected to see a PATH entry pointing to the 6.0 directory, but there was nothing there. I created an entey for it, but that did not seem to help. I'm getting the ISUIConflictServices.dll cannot be found error message.
So, what I just did was make a copy of that DLL & placed it into 6.0 directory right alongside the "AdminStudio.exe".
It launches fine.