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Append to Path Statement Issues

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I am new to the product and am having some difficulty finding out how to search for a file and append it to the path statement. Pls Help...


(4) Replies
What are you trying to do here? Can you be more specific?

I should get some sleep now, it's been a long day ....
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have an application that does not add a path variable. If it does not know where Lotus Notes is installed, it will not function. The only way to alleviate this is to repackage the product ( I have obtained written permission to do so). I want to have the new version search for a notes executable and a notes database and add the locations to the Path Statement automatically. This is crucial, since Lotus Notes was not always installed in the same directory. By default, version 4.x of Notes was installed in c:\notes but v.5.x and above is being installed in c:\lotus\notes. The alternative is to add the variables manually, which may leave some end users in a precarious predicament.
I hope this is enough info...

I think you'd better search the ISD 7 forum with keywords like environment variable etc... to find answers to your questions...
You can use AppSearch table with Signature and DrLocator tables to locate the path of a file. Refer to IS KB article Q103147.

You can also use AppSearch table with Signature and RegLocator tables to locate the path of Notes executable from (App Paths, if there is one there).

Once you have the path to the Notes executable in the property from AppSearch table, you can use it in Environment table.

Sorry for the high level explanation, I am on a vacation, I don't have ISAS at home, I can't get too detailed.