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All kinds of trouble with AdminStudio 5

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Hey everyone,

I'm currently working on a project for my company to package all the software that we use in .msi format so it can be easily distributed using Altiris, and we’ve purchased a license for Installshield Adminstudio for that purpose.

However, I am experiencing a lot of trouble with it. As of yet I’ve been unable to create any .msi installation package that actually installed and ran correctly. I’ve tried all packaging methods that seem to be supported by AdminStudio, with all kinds of variations in options in a number of different environments, but I keep experiencing numerous strange errors. For example; I tried packaging Microsoft Office 2000 Standard. After both Snapshot and Installation Monitoring methods, the build-output returned around 306 warnings and 1 error before issuing ‘Build failed’.. as could be expected, when I installed the resulting .msi, hardly anything worked.
Same for Acrobat Reader 6.0, which gave up after 26 warnings and 1 error. Needless to say, that didn’t install very well either. At the end of this post I will place the build output in case anyone can make sense of it.

I’ve tried building on both physical and virtual machines (VMware) under Windows XP in numerous configurations, building on both machines that had AdminStudio installed and machines that called the repackaging manager from the network, all with largely the same result. I've also tried a trialversion of AdminStudio 5.5, but the results were the same as with 5.0

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Output listing;

Friday, July 02, 2004 09:54:00AM
Starting conversion
Creating Developer project: D:\Egbert\Packages\Acrobat Reader 6\Adobe.ism
Reading repackager output file
No INSTALLDIR definition was found in the Options.ini file. This may lead to unexpected results unless a suitable value exists in the project template.
Loading registry entries
Creating components for the files captured
Mapping registry information to the Advertising tables
Mapping typelib data from registry information to the TypeLib table
Undefined typelib '{8CC497C9-A1DF-11CE-8098-00AA0047BE5D}': no component exists for file '%SystemFolder%\riched20.dll'. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
Mapping COM data from registry information
Mapping Application IDs from registry information and writing to the AppId table
Mapping ProgIDs from registry information
Undefined default icon file for ProgID 'AcroExch.RMFFile': no component exists for file '%WindowsFolder%\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-000000000001[\}]RMFFile.ico'. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
Undefined default icon file for ProgID 'PDXFileType': no component exists for file '%WindowsFolder%\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-000000000001[\}]PDXFile.ico'. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
Writing to the Class table
Mapping file extensions and MIME types from registry information to the Extension and Mime tables
Registry entries for file extension '.fdf\AcroExch.FDFDoc\ShellNew' will remain in the Registry table because no ProgId, CLSID, or shell verb was associated with it
Registry entries for file extension '.pdf\AcroExch.Document\ShellNew' will remain in the Registry table because no ProgId, CLSID, or shell verb was associated with it
Registry entries for file extension '.pdx\PDXFileType\ShellNew' will remain in the Registry table because no ProgId, CLSID, or shell verb was associated with it
Registry entries for file extension '.rmf\AcroExch.RMFFile\ShellNew' will remain in the Registry table because no ProgId, CLSID, or shell verb was associated with it
Registry entries for file extension '.xdp\AcroExch.XDPDoc\ShellNew' will remain in the Registry table because no ProgId, CLSID, or shell verb was associated with it
Registry entries for file extension '.xfd\AcroExch.XFDDoc\ShellNew' will remain in the Registry table because no ProgId, CLSID, or shell verb was associated with it
Registry entries for file extension '.xfdf\AcroExch.XFDFDoc\ShellNew' will remain in the Registry table because no ProgId, CLSID, or shell verb was associated with it
Mapping shell extension verbs from registry information to the Verb table
Writing to the ProgId table
ProgID 'AcroExch.FDFDoc' is not fully defined (missing CLSID). This may result in ICE33 warnings.
Undefined default icon for ProgId 'AcroExch.Plugin': at least one shell extension verb for the ProgId is required. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
ProgID 'AcroExch.Plugin' is not fully defined (missing CLSID). This may result in ICE33 warnings.
Undefined default icon for ProgId 'AcroExch.Plugin': at least one shell extension verb for the ProgId is required. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
Undefined default icon for ProgId 'AcroExch.SecStore': at least one shell extension verb for the ProgId is required. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
ProgID 'AcroExch.SecStore' is not fully defined (missing CLSID). This may result in ICE33 warnings.
Undefined default icon for ProgId 'AcroExch.SecStore': at least one shell extension verb for the ProgId is required. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
ProgID 'AcroExch.XDPDoc' is not fully defined (missing CLSID). This may result in ICE33 warnings.
ProgID 'AcroExch.XFDDoc' is not fully defined (missing CLSID). This may result in ICE33 warnings.
ProgID 'AcroExch.XFDFDoc' is not fully defined (missing CLSID). This may result in ICE33 warnings.
Mapping application paths from registry information
Mapping environment variables from registry information to the Environment table
Processing .INI file changes and writing to the IniFile table
Applying merge modules
Creating directory folders and writing to the CreateFolders table
Writing unmapped registry information to the Registry table
Writing information to the RemoveRegistry table
Creating shortcuts and writing to the Shortcut table
Cannot create icon for shortcut 'Adobe Reader 6.0' due to unknown file '[WindowsFolder]Installer\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-000000000001}\SC_Reader_DT.ico'
Cannot create icon for shortcut 'Download Driver' due to unknown file '[WindowsFolder]Installer\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-000000000001}\PRINTME_DOWNLOAD.ico'
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for PMAdobeIndex.url in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]PrintMe Internet Printing. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
Cannot create icon for shortcut 'Adobe Reader 6.0' due to unknown file '[WindowsFolder]Installer\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-000000000001}\SC_Reader_PM.ico'
Building .msi package
Created release folders
AdminExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdminUISequence table successfully built
AdvtExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdvtUISequence table successfully built
InstallExecuteSequence table successfully built
InstallUISequence table successfully built
Directory table successfully built
Feature table successfully built
FeatureComponents table successfully built
Component table successfully built
Loading File table
Building File table
File table successfully built
Building MsiFileHash table
MsiFileHash table successfully built
Class table successfully built
Extension table successfully built
ODBCDataSource table successfully built
ODBCDriver table successfully built
ActionText table successfully built
AppSearch table successfully built
BindImage table successfully built
CCPSearch table successfully built
Condition table successfully built
AppId table successfully built
ISDEV : warning -6261: The property ALLUSERS is defined in the property table. This may result in a setup that is always installed per-machine when it has been advertised as a per-user install. It is recommended that the ALLUSERS property not be defined in the Property table.
Property table successfully built
BBControl table successfully built
Billboard table successfully built
Binary table successfully built
CompLocator table successfully built
Complus table successfully built
ControlCondition table successfully built
ControlEvent table successfully built
CreateFolder table successfully built
CustomAction table successfully built
Error table successfully built
DrLocator table successfully built
DuplicateFile table successfully built
Environment table successfully built
EventMapping table successfully built
FileSFPCatalog table successfully built
Font table successfully built
IniFile table successfully built
IniLocator table successfully built
IsolatedComponent table successfully built
Verb table successfully built
LaunchCondition table successfully built
LockPermissions table successfully built
MIME table successfully built
MoveFile table successfully built
MsiAssembly table successfully built
MsiAssemblyName table successfully built
MsiDigitalCertificate table successfully built
MsiDigitalSignature table successfully built
ODBCAttribute table successfully built
ODBCSourceAttribute table successfully built
ODBCTranslator table successfully built
PatchPackage table successfully built
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "D:\Egbert\Packages\Acrobat Reader 6\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-000000000001[\}]PDFFile.ico" for Icon Icon_PDFFile.ico does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "D:\Egbert\Packages\Acrobat Reader 6\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-000000000001[\}]FDFFile.ico" for Icon Icon_FDFFile.ico does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "D:\Egbert\Packages\Acrobat Reader 6\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-000000000001[\}]XDPFile.ico" for Icon Icon_XDPFile.ico does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "D:\Egbert\Packages\Acrobat Reader 6\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-000000000001[\}]XFDFile.ico" for Icon Icon_XFDFile.ico does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "D:\Egbert\Packages\Acrobat Reader 6\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-000000000001[\}]FDFFile.ico" for Icon Icon_FDFFile.ico does not exist.
ProgId table successfully built
PublishComponent table successfully built
Registry table successfully built
RegLocator table successfully built
RemoveFile table successfully built
RemoveIniFile table successfully built
RemoveRegistry table successfully built
ReserveCost table successfully built
SelfReg table successfully built
ServiceControl table successfully built
ServiceInstall table successfully built
SFPCatalog table successfully built
ISDEV : warning -6014: The shortcut "AdobeReader6.0" for component "acrord32.exe_COM" is invalid because it does not reference an icon resource. Specify an icon file and icon index for this shortcut to resolve this issue.
ISDEV : warning -6014: The shortcut "DownloadDriver" for component "consoleapp.exe" is invalid because it does not reference an icon resource. Specify an icon file and icon index for this shortcut to resolve this issue.
Shortcut table successfully built
Signature table successfully built
TextStyle table successfully built
TypeLib table successfully built
UIText table successfully built
Upgrade table successfully built
_Validation table successfully built
Searching project for extract-at-build components...
Validating Custom Action sequencing
Dialog AdminChangeFolder for language English (United States) built
Dialog AdminNetworkLocation for language English (United States) built
Dialog AdminWelcome for language English (United States) built
Dialog CancelSetup for language English (United States) built
Dialog CustomSetup for language English (United States) built
Dialog CustomSetupTips for language English (United States) built
Dialog CustomerInformation for language English (United States) built
Dialog DatabaseFolder for language English (United States) built
Dialog DestinationFolder for language English (United States) built
Dialog DiskSpaceRequirements for language English (United States) built
Dialog FilesInUse for language English (United States) built
Dialog InstallChangeFolder for language English (United States) built
Dialog InstallWelcome for language English (United States) built
Dialog LicenseAgreement for language English (United States) built
Dialog MaintenanceType for language English (United States) built
Dialog MaintenanceWelcome for language English (United States) built
Dialog OutOfSpace for language English (United States) built
Dialog PatchWelcome for language English (United States) built
Dialog ReadyToInstall for language English (United States) built
Dialog ReadyToRemove for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupCompleteError for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupCompleteSuccess for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupError for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupInitialization for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupInterrupted for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupProgress for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupResume for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupType for language English (United States) built
Dialog SplashBitmap for language English (United States) built
Resolving strings...
Language English (United States) built
Building CAB files... built
Files built
Media table successfully built
Product1\Release1 - 5 error(s), 3 warning(s)
Build failed.
Conversion stopped with 1 error(s) and 26 warning(s).
(2) Replies
How come in earths name you would want to repackage a MSI in an MSI ??

Adobe's reader 6 is an MSI, for handling see:

MS-Office 2K is an MSI.

Just do a setup /a for both and use the tuner with response transform to make a transform file.
With Office you can use the CIW (Custom Installation Wizard) of the Resource kit for the given version.

reg, Henno
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I'm sorry i didn't know Acrobat Reader came in MSI format, i'm relatively new to application deployment... guess I've got a few things to learn.

Thanks for your help, i'll try that