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AdminStudio and Java

By Level 3 Flexeran
Level 3 Flexeran


Can someone help me answer the question below from my customer?

Question when trying to identify Java requirements for applications, I ran the reporting tool and received that one application has a Java requirement. However I can not find out how to figure what app that is can you provide some direction please.




(1) Solution

The Java dependency test AdminStudio provides is about finding apps that use old versions of Java, which introduce risk. As a result, the Java testing is under the Windows Desktop Risk Assessment testing in the overall suite of tests.

Within AdminStudio Professional or Enterprise (including the evaluation version):

1.) Within the Analyze tab, on the group of applications in question, click on the Summary / Detail View switcher to get the detail table view:


2.) The application in question would show as white-x-on-red-circle icon under the Risk Assessment column, this indicating an Error with this application in this category of tests:


3.) Click into this Error and you’ll see the Supportability Risks tab; scroll to the bottom to see the Risk Assessment > Windows Desktop Risk Assessment test. Click into this Error icon:


4.) You’ll be presented with the test(s) with the error message; click on the plus button to expand and get further details similar to these test results:


AdminStudio Enterprise provides a Reports tab that includes a Java Dependency report:

1.) Click on Reports > Dependencies > Java Runtime Dependency:


2.) You can drill into the test results on either pie chart and see applications that not only use unsupported versions of Java, but any version of Java including currently supported ones:


(All links were to the current version of AdminStudio at the time of this posting.)

View solution in original post

(1) Reply

The Java dependency test AdminStudio provides is about finding apps that use old versions of Java, which introduce risk. As a result, the Java testing is under the Windows Desktop Risk Assessment testing in the overall suite of tests.

Within AdminStudio Professional or Enterprise (including the evaluation version):

1.) Within the Analyze tab, on the group of applications in question, click on the Summary / Detail View switcher to get the detail table view:


2.) The application in question would show as white-x-on-red-circle icon under the Risk Assessment column, this indicating an Error with this application in this category of tests:


3.) Click into this Error and you’ll see the Supportability Risks tab; scroll to the bottom to see the Risk Assessment > Windows Desktop Risk Assessment test. Click into this Error icon:


4.) You’ll be presented with the test(s) with the error message; click on the plus button to expand and get further details similar to these test results:


AdminStudio Enterprise provides a Reports tab that includes a Java Dependency report:

1.) Click on Reports > Dependencies > Java Runtime Dependency:


2.) You can drill into the test results on either pie chart and see applications that not only use unsupported versions of Java, but any version of Java including currently supported ones:


(All links were to the current version of AdminStudio at the time of this posting.)