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AdminStudio WF Manager - your thoughts please

I have to purchase either Wise or AdminStudio for a large client and I was wondering if anyone had any experience, good or bad, with the project management tools for either product.
InstallShield has the "WorkFlow Manger" and Wise has a more basic tool that manages projects with SQL.
Is the "WorkFlow Manager " worth the money? Anyone out there using it? Any thoughts good or bad would be appreciated!

turbokitty @
(2) Replies
how large are you taking? How many people will be packaging and how many packages are you expecting to see per month?

We spent a bit of time looking into it, but for us, it was too expensive for the amount of work we have coming through...
Thanks Shane,
There will be 7 - 10 full and part-time packagers in 5 different regions.
I suspect there will be about 200 packages per year sent to about 11,000 workstations.