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since ‎May 15, 2008
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I have upgraded an Installscript project from IS2010 to IS2011. The project includes the DotNetCrystalReports merge module. This was a clean build in IS2010, but now when building the installer in IS2011 I receive multiple warnings about 1) objects...
I have an Installscript project where I call SdFeatureTree. I have a condition where I want to be able to install a certain feature (feature B) ONLY if a related feature (feature A) is installed. However, it is acceptable for feature A to be instal...
I called and created an incident for this question, but thought I'd see if any users had experienced this or will benefit from the resolution.I have an Installscript project (don't think that's important to this issue) and am using the XML File Chang...
I have an InstallScript project and am using the AskOptions dialog in several instances. I have defined accelerators into my options, but they do not display in the dialogs when run (characters are not underlined). The accelerators function properl...
We have new software written that will be utilizing a snap-in architecture. Each snap-in will be installed to the client based on user interaction during installation or a command line parameter. Each snap-in will have a corresponding help file uti...
Online status:
‎Aug 28, 2024
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