Level 3
since ‎Dec 21, 2011
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My company is transitioning from Wise Package Studio 8.0 to AdminStudio 11.5 SP2. We have two packagers in the same office in the U.S., and one packager overseas in India. Currently we're not using any sort of Wise functionality to manage our applica...
I've just installed AdminStudio 11.5 Service Pack 2 and am using it for the first time. Trying to run the Remote Repackager setup.exe on a clean VM. I've shared the "Repackager" and "AdminStudio Shared" folders from my work computer. As I progress th...
I work with a group that is asking for some advice regarding workflow automation of a package they currently build using an older version of InstallShield Express. They have testers work with a fresh daily build of their package each day, and are loo...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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