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since ‎Sep 13, 2007
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Hi, I have some issues related to how InstallShield project can be properly integrated with Visual Studio solution and TFS Build. Using VS 2008 SP1 / TFS 2008 SP1 / IS 2010 SP1.1. For native Visual Studio projects, you can define pre-build and post-b...
Hi,I'm building from scratch new installer for a product for different target platform. The original installer creates some registry keys and values, so instead of entering them manually I came up with idea of exporting them from the old InstallScrip...
Hi,I've found this thread for IS 12 & TFS 2005 - http://community.flexerasoftware.com/showthread.php?t=160694 - it wasn't resolved.Now it seems that it's still the issue with the latest versions: TFS 2008 SP1 / VS 2008 SP1 / IS 2010 SP1.1. I can't in...
Hi,I've hit a following issue:I have an InstallScript project.In it I have a feature associated with few SQL script components that upgrade existing SQL Server database (schema changes, script changes, new data inserted to some tables). Since the cha...
Hi,I have some issue:I have an installscipr project type installer. In one place in installscript it uses WINDIR static variable to get to ADAM component, which gets installed to c:\Windows\ADAM with typical configuration. Everything used to work fin...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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