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since ‎Jul 13, 2007
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I am trying to copy a file in the user profile. I was told to use active setup and it's not working. What am I doing wrong. Here is what I did;1) Created a dummy registry key under HKCU and I set it as key path.2) Under HKLM\software\microsoft\active...
I have a .jnlp file that gets created in the user profile when a user accepts a prompt when the app is first opened. I am trying to just copy this file during the installation so that user won't get the prompt. How can I do this using InstallShield. ...
I have an .ini file that I am copying using installshield. Here is the problem;When the application launches it automatically creates the same .ini file and overwrites the one that I copied during the installation. How can I stop this behavior using ...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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