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since ‎Apr 08, 2002
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I created a patch for a dual use Basic MSI package (ALLUSERS value of 2 and a MSIINSTALLPERUSER value of 1) that is, in this case, installed per-user.I've created a patch to deliver an updated .dll that does seem to function properly.  However, durin...
Hi all, I'd like to be able to pass the path to our code signing certificate for build, but I don't see anything applicable in the IsCmdBld.exe options.Is that possible?  If not, I will just copy the .pfx file to our current location.  I did want to ...
I'm just wondering , with Standalone Build, is there a file that holds Merge Module paths.  I am able to specify what I need with the -o option, but just wondered if paths were held in a file somewhere, checked first.Also, with the -o option, I'm gue...
Hi there,I'm hoping someone can help.  We're looking to upgrade a wscript to PowerShell that sets some properties and Upgrade Table info....  Dim objInst, ISTemplate, UpgCode, PkgCode, PrdCode, UpgTblEntries, VerMax, MSIComment Dim PrdVer, AddRem Se...
Hi all,Tough situation I have and don't know if there is any solution to it.  We need to save some configurations in json files during upgrade.  I created an .exe Custom Action to take care of it, but there is a problem.  The restore of the values as...
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‎Jun 25, 2024
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