Hi,I've got a warning (-4354) during the COM extraction with a 32 bit component inside a 64 bit project installer on Windows 7 64 bit. But with InstallShield 2011 it's work perfectly. Any idea ?Kevin
Hello,I have performed a upgrade of my Msi Project from IS2010 to IS2011. I can build my project with my IS2011 Pro on my workstation (GUI mode) but it failed on a VMWare with IS2011 StandAloneBuild.[CODE]...[exec] Dialog SetupResume for language Eng...
Hi,I build my MSI project with a Standalone version and I want to use the process validation with ISVista.cub, but I want to exclude the ISICE02.It is possible to exclude the ISICE02 on the command line?Regards,Kevin
COM extraction at build works but when I deploys the package on a fresh Windows 7 64 bit I can't launch the application because some components are not correctly registred.If I register this components with regsvr32 the application works fine.I can s...
Ok, I've tried the method which is describe in the release notes but it's not working.I've a remark, on my computer the value UseAPIRegistryHooks is not in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\InstallShield\RegSpy but in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWAR...
Hello Michael,Thank you for your reply.I have installed the Service Pack 1 and rebooted my computer (just to be sure) but my issue is not fixed.Regards,Kevin
Thanks Michael.We didn't start to use this kind of project. We study this new feature because we are very interested by this but we want to be sure that we would be able to build this kind of project with the standalone version on our build server.