Hi:All my calls to the new feature CA Managed Code works great when on my smoke-test machine XP or Vista SQL Server 2005 Express is installed. When SQL Express 2005 is not installed when my code hits the CA Managed Code it aborts...The C# code runs ....
In IS2009 how are IS_MAJOR_UPGRADE and IS_MINOR_UPGRADE set?In my custom action I would like to execute an installscript function only when:It is a major upgradeIt is a minor upgradeI just can find documentation on the different methods for performin...
Hi:Are there any UML diagrams available somewhere showing the the exact steps InstallShield executes an install package.Of course there is the msiexec /Lv (or /L*v) to log the installation step-by-step but it would be nice to have a diagram.Yama
Your problem could be more than just an installation issue. For instance you might want to make sure you are differentiating 32bit vs. 64bit registry entries:For instance in some situation I get my installed directory from the registry: ...
I have the following in "Installation Information" - "General Information" Product Properites -- Install Conditions:Condition: (Not Version9X=400) And (Not Version9X=410) And (Not Version9X=490) And (Not VersionNT=400) And (Not VersionNT=500) Messag...
In Element Name:{ID_STRING14}Value[@Value=""]Delete the row with Remove AttributeIn Adv. tab:Check "Update first..."I am still unclear of what you want... Copy and paste what your original sample.xmlManually go modifiy it and copy and...
take a look at http://kb.acresso.com/selfservice/dynamickc.do?cmd=show&forward=nonthreadedKC&docType=kc&externalId=Q108764&sliceId=1TRy it with your IS2009... see the samples provided and documentation and follow instruction...