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since ‎Feb 14, 2002
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HiI have a BASIC MSI project with only 1 feature, but now this project will have 3 features, and one of them will have 2 subfeatures.I've completed all the necessary steps, but in the screen if I select the feature that contains subfeatures, this sub...
I have some doubts about the patches. I made a some tests and doing a minor upgrade, I was able to update files, keys ... etc.. To make the minor I changed the package code and version. But in order to function, in the version we must change the thi...
HelloCan anybody tell me what is the better form to do this? I have an installation, and I need to patch 2 files. I'm tryring to make a minor upgrade, but it is still not working. I select the executable that I'm going to patch, I create a component...
HelloI have two diferent installations:A Basic MSI Project, and Installscript MSI Project. With the first I have an .msi and with the second an only .exe.Well know I have an application running, and tried to uninstall.With the Basic appeard the scree...
HelloI have a few questions.I have an installer “A” which installs two other applications, and the only entrance that remains in Add \ Remove Programs is the "A". I installed the version 1, and everything's fine. If uninstall this version from Add \ ...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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