Level 3
since ‎Aug 17, 2009
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I need to execute an exe that is not a part of my install, which I can do by adding a custom action as "Stored in binary table". However, this is a .NET executable that has another dll dependency. Therefore, whenever I run my exe it crashes because i...
When I build my project I am getting my exe and msi file like I'd expect, but I'm also getting a "program files" folder with all my files in it as well as a 0x0409.ini and Setup.ini file.Any ideas why I am getting these extra files? Also, the install...
I would like to get the file version of my main exe file within my installer and name my "Setup file name" with that version number, so that they are consistent. Is that possible?
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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