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since ‎Nov 06, 2008
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Hi,I have a Basic MSI package and I ran a small\minor upgrade with it. Most files have no version, and they were not replaced even though the upgrade package contains a different instances of these files. So, can I order the upgrade process to replac...
Hello,To the best of my understanding, files should be associated with components that has a path to the file system, because on install they can be put there and not in the Registry.But the product "InstallSheild 2009" has a component {9B2CAF3C-B0AB...
Hi,I want to delete INSTALLDIR on uninstall. It is not deleted automatically, since the product writes log files in that directory, so the directory is not empty after the uninstallation had deleted all the product's files.I believe that the way to d...
I've developed in C++ a DLL that has one exported function. I've also tested it using a C++ client. It worked.The prototype of the function is as follows:#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif__declspec(dllexport) unsigned int __stdcall MyFunc(unsigned...
I have this problem:On uninstallation, I need the user to choose between two options, and accordingly, one of two Custom Actions will execute during this process.So I created a dialog that has a Radio Button Group with the two options to choose from....
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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