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since ‎Aug 05, 2009
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Two of my MSI packages that were upgraded from InstallShield 2014 to 2015 SP1 with no other changes are creating MSIs that fail to install. The MSIs installed correctly on a Windows 2008 R2 server when built with InstallShield 2014 but do not install...
When working on a merge module project, once I created the original ISM project, I can no longer modify the project by adding files to any of the components. When I try to, I get this error:No matter what the file is called, that error shows-up whic...
I've suddenly been unable to create any MSIs on our build server via InstallShield Spring 2012 SAB. In viewing the log files, this error is reported:ISDEV : fatal error -7210: Failed to verify digital signature of C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShiel...
I have a Windows Service that is making me extremely mad. It installs just fine, but when I uninstall it, the main executable (.exe) and assemblies don't get uninstalled and the log file states "Removal completed successfully". I've created MSIs f...
In my MSIs, I have an executable file that runs after the MSI files have been installed, and it's sole purpose is to do some work during the installation, but then is no longer needed.What do I need to do to remove that .exe after it's done it's work...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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