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since ‎Sep 10, 2008
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If during the installation, installation is canceled or ip.abortInstallation is called..then running Uninstaller doesnt work properly.. its just exits sucessfully.. without removing folders and regsitry.Is this known issue?any workaround?
Hi,I need a dll to be used during pre-install phase.(more specifically, i need sqljdbc_auth.dll for testing SQL connection)To use System.loadLibrary(), the dll should be in java.library.path..how should i do this? (I need in pre-install phase)how IA ...
is there any way to have jump action in install phase..?it is not available in standard actions..i want to give user option of "try again" during installation.. there i need a loop..??
Is possible to change the font, color, etc. for the installer steps which appear on the left side of the frame (e.g. Introduction, Choose Install Folder) The Installer steps labels for completed or current panels are by default black.For the panels w...
IA supports localization..So is it like.. If the current OS is Japanese OS, then IA installer will automatically detect it and directly start Japanese/set Japanese as default?Is this possible?Or is it just that.. at the spalsh screen user will select...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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