Hello, I am facing a strange issue where the files are not copied after a patch installation. Up until now, we were delivering updated versions of our product using .msi(major upgrades). However, now we want to ship our updates using .msp files. ...
Hello,The windows installer states that using x in the logging mode for generation of windows installer log files outputs extra debugging information.x- output extra debugging information.What do they mean by stating "extra debugging information"?...
Hello,I have been trying to figure this out. So thought of reaching out to a wider audience.When a msi file creates registry entries using the WriteRegistryValues standard action, i do not find any references in the log file which states that the reg...
Hello,I am faced with a strange issue. One of our customers tried uninstalling our product and the uninstallation was always rolling back.So he went ahead and ran a couple of cleanup steps ,which otherwise the installer would have taken care of durin...
Hello,I am using InstallAnywhere 8 enterprise edition to install one of our products on a windows server 2003 Japanese OS.There is a utilit which is packaged in one of the merge modules and is included in our installer. The utility is extracted durin...
I am using InstallShield 2008 Premier edition for my installer development activities.My project is basic msi with setup.exe being generated.A previous version of the product (version 1)was built using this version of InstallShield. This product targ...
Hello Johan,Firstly, thanks for responding back. I apologize for the delayed response. I thought i would also get in touch with InstallShield. I am posting below my questions and the response i got from InstallShield. Hopefully people should benefit ...