Some clients in enviroment not reporting with scan result to server.
When I'm running client on affected computer it starts but not starting scanning.
Running command is - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flexera\csia7\csia.exe" -fg -L -v -v -v '--skipwait' -d c:\temp\debug.log
With -c options it start and scanning.
Attaching debug file.
Any help appreciated.
Sep 04, 2020 07:30 AM
Please follow the below kb articles to troubleshoot the SVM agent.
1- Enable Logging for Installed SVM Agents through Regedit: This will provide you the log in the context of the local system account running as a service and scanning the clients automatically at regular intervals.
2- Agent logging in the command-line interface: Run the CMD and use the below command to run the CMD as a local system account. Please then follow the below article for command-line debugging.
psexec -i -s cmd.exe
We have also created a ticket to track this, please attach the debug logs to the so we can further assist you.
Sep 07, 2020 03:29 AM
Thanks for answer.
This is what I found with debug mode.
Part from log file
[09/08 11:15:50.041] Error when sending WinHttp request (12029)
[09/08 11:15:50.041] Connection error....
[09/08 11:15:50.041] Error in HttpRequest: status=499, statusText='A connection with the server could not be established',winCode=12029
What do you think?
Sep 08, 2020 04:35 AM
Thanks for getting back to us.
WinHttp request (12029); status = 499 --> ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CONNECT
Returned if the connection to the server failed.
If the issue still persists, please get back to us, so we can schedule a troubleshooting call.
Sep 08, 2020 05:46 AM