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I would like to understand more on how cloudscape works out and orders locations - I have at least 6 physical datacentres ive scanned - The subnets are all over the place not matching the locations. Do I really need to go through all the subnets and arrange manually?


You can assign locations based on the subnet ranges however you cannot break the subnet down into smaller ranges and apply those to locations. This information is based on subnet information polled from routing tables from layer 3 switches or routers. As an option, you can include the network devices for inventory which can assist with providing better location information. As an option, there is a tagging feature (found in ‘add intelligence -> custom application tagging) that can provide additional detail on the device. For example you can use rules to apply tags or tag whole groups at one time which can assist with location information or for providing detail on the application (development or production, etc.

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Last update:
‎Jul 12, 2020 10:57 AM
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