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Monitor performance on scanned devices



I want to monitor performance on target devices while RN150 is discovery and collect performance data. Is there any process on target devices I can filter it to focus and check details?


In case the collection consumes a lot of resources, how can we stop the scan (killing process or something...)?


Is there any document detailing the bandwidth consumed when RN150 collects 1 device?


Thank a lot,

(2) Replies


To monitor performance on target devices, you will need to apply a license to them. Performance data collection will be paused while the RN150 is in a Discovery state and will resume once the Discovery has completed. You can check for performance collection issues from the Summary of Collection page, found at the Collect Data tab, in the Portal.

If you suspect the RN150 is causing an issue, you may power it down. When powered down, it will essentially pause the appliance. It will resume when powered back on.


Unfortunately, we do not documentation regarding bandwidth consumption, for the RN150.


Is there any process on the target devices that I can filter it to focus and check the performance usage details while the device is scanned?