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adding Purchase Order Line Items via business adapter

Hi all,

I have a customer that is wanting to bulk upload historical purchase orders.  I have created a business adapter (based off the Purchase Order template) to do this.  The adapter successfully creates a new Purchase Order that is based off of a supplied PO Number, however, it will NOT add additional purchase lines from the same purchase order.

For example, PO # 88890 has 4 purchases, each line with a different PO Line No, Part Numbers, Item Description, etc.  When executing the adapter, only the last line of the 4 purchases shows up in the UI; Purchase order details indicate that there is only 1 purchse on the purchase order, and the Purchase details shows item '4'.



The Purchase Order Line has Purchase Order Line Sequence pulling a field value from a PO Line No column and is set to 'Update only if the value is empty'.  Purchase Order ID is the only property used for matching existing data and is set to 'Always update the property'.

Any suggestions on how to bulk load these PO lines?  Otherwise the customer will have to manually create all the additional historical purchases (they are wanting to add PO history from 2020 onward, which would be a LOT), and I would love avoiding that conversation ðŸ˜Š

Thanks in advance!


(1) Solution


Under the data import option Flexera has prebuild import option for Purchase order upload. 
where you can downloads template from there itself and upload after filling appropriate data in it.
Also it has PO Line number column where you can multiple line items for single PO with changing po line time number.

And you can check for errors in system tasks page.

View solution in original post

(4) Replies


Under the data import option Flexera has prebuild import option for Purchase order upload. 
where you can downloads template from there itself and upload after filling appropriate data in it.
Also it has PO Line number column where you can multiple line items for single PO with changing po line time number.

And you can check for errors in system tasks page.

By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

What fields are you using on the Purchase Order Line object for matching? Are these fields sufficient to uniquely identify every record?

The behaviour you're describing sounds like the fields used for matching may uniquely identify a purchase order, but are not sufficient to uniquely identify each line in that purchase order - so you only get details from one line in each purchase order being imported.

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Hi @ChrisG,

I have the PO number set as the field for matching as it's the common denominator in the dataset.   Sounds like I should be setting the PO Line No to be set to be used for matching?

I went with @AjaykumarPatil's suggestion (and I'm pretty sure you've pitched this to me before when I asked a similar question RE: importing PO data) and used the One-Off Upload from the UI.  I had to move the data into the template, but it did the job and their historical purchases are loaded in.


You're on the right path here. If you go back to configuring your own adapter, you will indeed probably want to add PO Line No to the matching. Matching a PO line just on PO number will result in you only getting one PO line associated with each unique PO number.

(Did my reply solve the question? Click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION" to help others find answers faster. Liked something? Click "KUDO". Anything expressed here is my own view and not necessarily that of my employer, Flexera.)