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Application usage that is metered on a computer after the last MMI file containing usage data is generated by the agent in that week may be incorrectly reported as occurring in a subsequent week.


Application usage details are aggregated and reported on a weekly basis (with each week considered to start on a Monday). The usage component in the FlexNet inventory agent reports usage as occurring in the week that the MMI file containing usage data was generated. If the week in which the MMI file is generated is different from the week when the usage actually occurred, then the usage will be reported in the incorrect week.

Here is an example of how logging may appear in the usageagent.log file in this scenario. This example shows usage of VISIO.EXE being metered on August 4, 2023 (a Friday), with the next usage MMI file being generated on August 7, 2023 (a Monday).

[8/4/2023 8:01:59 PM (G, 0)] {6752} Session logging: KNOWN PRODUCT Session end (Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\VISIO.EXE, Product: , Product version: , Run time: 22333.000000000 seconds) Session was added to cache.
[8/4/2023 8:02:00 PM (G, 0)] {6752} Backing up the session cache to 'C:\ProgramData\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Usage Agent\UsageData\sessioncache.ssc'
[8/4/2023 8:02:00 PM (G, 0)] {6752} Next session backup in 2584.000000000 seconds (from SessionBackupPeriod preference)
[8/4/2023 8:02:00 PM (G, 0)] {6752} Usage agent finished
[8/4/2023 8:02:00 PM (G, 0)] {6752} Program exited successfully
[8/7/2023 5:27:06 PM (G, 0)] {2072} Finished reading the session cache, sessions summarized to file C:\ProgramData\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Usage Agent\UsageData\winws2674 at 20230807T172705.mmi

The content of the usage MMI file shows the usage occurred in the week with a STARTDATE of August 7, despite the actual usage occurring several days prior:

<USAGE USER="vivek" DOMAIN="ACME" TYPE="WeeklySummary" STARTDATE="20230807T000000" GUID="">
    <APPUSAGE NAME="" VERSION="" FILENAME="VISIO.EXE" FILECOMPANY="Microsoft Corporation" FILEDESCRIPTION="Microsoft Visio" FILEPRODUCTNAME="Microsoft Office" FILEPRODUCTVERSION="16.0.10401.20018" FILEVERSION="16.0.10401.20018" LONG_FILENAME="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\VISIO.EXE" TOTALRUNTIME="28429" TOTALACTIVE="0" SESSIONS="1" DAYS="1"/>

Reproduction steps

  1. Ensure the FlexNet inventory agent usage component is configured to meter usage on a computer, and execute an application for which usage is metered.
  2. Before the usage component next generates a usage MMI file, turn off or suspend the computer. (The usage component normally generates usage MMI files every 8 hours with default configuration settings.)
  3. Do not turn on the computer until (at least) the following Monday. Once Monday has come, turn on the computer.
  4. Wait for the usage component to generate and upload a usage MMI file.

The usage that was metered is reported in the MMI file (and subsequently in the web UI and reports) as occurring in the week the usage MMI file was generated, not the week the usage actually occurred.

Fix status

This issue is still open but not currently scheduled to be addressed.

Other information

Affected components: Agent, Usage

Master issue ID: IOK-1059439

Also known as: ITAM-2995

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‎Nov 20, 2023 01:27 PM
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