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The “Remove local installer evidence linked to Flexera installer evidence” import writer step fails with either of the following errors:
Error: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_IBMLicenseServiceProductData_InstallerEvidenceID_MT". The conflict occurred in database "FNMP182", table "dbo.IBMLicenseServiceProductData_MT".
Error: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_IBMLicenseServiceBundledProductData_InstallerEvidenceID_MT". The conflict occurred in database "FNMP3", table "dbo.IBMLicenseServiceBundledProductData_MT".
This issue may occur after importing data from IBM License Service, if evidence imported from that service is subsequently added to the application recognition library (ARL) that is published by Flexera.
This mitigation can be applied to FlexNet Manager Suite 2022 R1 (on premises) deployments.
Open the C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Compliance\ImportProcedures\Inventory\Writer\InstallerEvidence.xml file on the batch server in a text editor.
Add the following SQL query content before the line “DELETE ie FROM InstallerEvidence_T ie" (line 574) in the writer named “Remove local installer evidence linked to Flexera installer evidence”:
UPDATE bpd SET InstallerEvidenceID = NULL, SoftwareTitleID = NULL FROM dbo.IBMLicenseServiceBundledProductData bpd WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM #InstallerEvidenceToDelete d WHERE d.InstallerEvidenceID = bpd.InstallerEvidenceID ) PRINT N'Updated ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS nvarchar(255)) + N' IBM License Service bundled product consumption rows where installer evidence is being removed.' UPDATE pd SET InstallerEvidenceID = NULL, SoftwareTitleID = NULL FROM dbo.IBMLicenseServiceProductData pd WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM #InstallerEvidenceToDelete d WHERE d.InstallerEvidenceID = pd.InstallerEvidenceID ) PRINT N'Updated ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS nvarchar(255)) + N' IBM License Service product consumption rows where installer evidence is being removed.'
This issue has been fixed in the following FlexNet Manager Suite releases: 2022 R1.3 / Jul 2022 (Cloud), 2022 R2 (On Premises)
Affected components: Inventory import (read/write/export), SAM for IBM
Master issue ID: IOK-706964
Also known as: FNML-76080
Aug 09, 2022 02:30 PM - edited Nov 20, 2023 01:31 PM