User records that have a blank value in their “User name” field cannot be identified when viewing details on the “Consumption” tab of a user-based license record, as the only user identity-related field available in the grid on this grid is “User name”.
User records have a number of fields (such as “User name”, “Account name”, “Email” and “Employee ID”) which can be used to identify users. Only one of these fields effectively needs to have a non-blank value.
However of this set of identity fields, the columns available to be included in the grid shown on the “Consumption” tab when viewing a “License record” only include the “User name” column. As a result, users who have a blank value in this field cannot be easily identified when viewing the “Consumption” tab.
Some potential approaches to mitigate this issue are:
This issue is still open but not currently scheduled to be addressed.
Affected components: Software license management, Web UI
Master issue ID: IOK-753385
Also known as: ITAM-1233
Jul 14, 2022 02:30 AM - edited Nov 20, 2023 01:32 PM