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If there are an extreme number of files stored on a beacon awaiting upload then the Flexera Beacon Engine Windows service may fail with an System.OutOfMemoryException error appearing in the BeaconEngine.log file.


This issue may occur if there is an extremely large number (at least 100s of thousands) of files awaiting upload under the C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Incoming directory.

An error message like the following will appear in the C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Compliance\Logging\BeaconEngine\BeaconEngine.log file when this issue occurs:

2021-09-07 02:03:57,767 [es.BeaconStatusService|Engine] [ERROR] Failed to flush beacon status file to 'C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Incoming\BeaconStatus\20210906144513-{D001B164-48FD-3600-A397-7EA9EF82545F}.bstat'
System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
   at System.String.CtorCharPtr(Char* ptr)
   at Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native.WIN32_FIND_DATA.get_cFileName()
   at System.IO.StringResultHandler.CreateObject(SearchData searchData, WIN32_FIND_DATA& findData)
   at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
   at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path)
   at Flexera.Beacon.Common.Services.BeaconStatusService.GenerateUploaderStatistics()
   at Flexera.Beacon.Common.Services.BeaconStatusService.FlushStatusToDisk(Boolean force, Boolean fullContent)


To mitigate this issue, arrange of the backlogged files to uploaded to the beacons parent, and then re-start the Flexera Beacon Engine service.

Alternatively, arrange to delete aged files which may not be necessary.

Fix status

This issue has been fixed in the following FlexNet Manager Suite releases: 2021 R1.4 / Mar 2022 (Cloud), 2022 R1 (On Premises)

Other information

Affected components: Inventory Beacon

Master issue ID: IOJ-2247091

Also known as: FNML-75199

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‎Jan 10, 2024 01:27 AM
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