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By Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran
We are pleased to announce the 2021 R1 release for FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications (FNMEA).
We would like to thank all customers who have provided their valuable feedback to help us focus our efforts on the requirements for this release.
This release was a major platform upgrade. We have migrated away from Oracle Java to AdoptOpenJDK to eliminate any need for us or our customers to purchase Java SE subscriptions to use the product in a production environment. We have also upgraded several 3rd-party components in the product to more current versions as well to ensure security compliance.
This is a list of the platform and components that have been upgraded:
  • Oracle Java 8 to Adopt OpenJDK 11
  • Hibernate-ORM from 5.0.10 to 5.4.27
  • Jboss Server from 8.2 to Wildfly 20.0.1
  • Spring Framework from 4.3.2 to 5.2.9
  • Tomcat Library from 8.015 to 9.0.44
  • Jaxb Library from 2.2.11 to 2.3.1
  • Proguard Library from 5.2 to 6.2.2
For more information on the features and enhancements listed above, please refer to the release notes and the updated documentation supplied with this release and available from Flexera Product Documentation.
FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications release 2021 R1 is available for download from the Product and License Center link in the Flexera Community.
(4) Comments
Level 2


Have all the Known issues been corrected with this version or is there an ETA?
In specific I am interested in the following Issue numbers:

IOJ-2204891:  Classic reports (HWM, PUD, SBC, UES, UOT) are not generating against Open JDK Build.

IOJ-2199575:  Running flexnet-service is terminated on UNIX Platform.

IOJ-2194291:  flexnet stop command is not stopping the server.

IOJ-2189043:  Reporting server fails to start when admin server got started first or start both the servers together.

Thank You.

By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

@jeff_r_lee - the issues you've noted are listed in the FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications 2021 R1 release notes as issues that are known to potentially affect that release. See the "Resolved Issues" page of the release notes for specific issues which have been fixed in the release.

I don't have any insight into if or when it is planned to address these specific issues sorry.

By Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

Hi  @jeff_r_lee , we're in the process of migrating the affected Classic Reports to a different charting technology to address the issues. We're also reviewing the other issues you've reported and will address them in the next service pack or release.



Level 2

Hi @vijay_menon ,

Do you have an rough ETA of when the next service pack or release will be available so that we can plan for this?  We are in need to upgrade to OpenJDK ASAP but can't if at the minimum classic reports are not working. 
