FlexNet inventory agent's full NDI file reports Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) evidence, including the Oracle product edition, though the edition isn't reported in the comps.xml file corresponding to the installation. Instead, the FlexNet inventory agent creates mapping in the Windows registry between Oracle home and Oracle Database editions to identify and report the product edition.
The below extract from a FlexNet inventory agent NDI file shows the reported OUI data for an Oracle Database installation, with the edition populated.
<Package Name="Oracle Database 19c Standard" Evidence="OUI" Version="" InstallDate="YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS">
<Property Name="InstallLocation" Value="C:\oracle\product\19c\db_home\oracle.server"/>
<Property Name="Publisher" Value="Oracle Corporation"/>
Information about the edition is gathered from the Windows registry. In the Windows registry, there are several keys labeled key__ in the below paths:
Each key has an ORACLE_HOME value and an ORACLE_BUNDLE_NAME.
The FlexNet inventory agent uses the link between Oracle home (ORACLE_HOME) and product editions (ORACLE_BUNDLE_NAME) to identify which Oracle Database edition the OUI data is linked to. When the Oracle home OUI evidence matches an ORACLE_HOME value in the registry paths above, the FlexNet inventory agent populates the product edition.
on Jul 25, 2022 01:43 PM - edited on Jul 25, 2022 02:30 PM by HollyM
Thanks, and what about the LMS query data coming from the agent? That also contains the edition correct?
@Ronny_OO7 - yes, edition information is included in data gathered by the Oracle GLAS (previously known as LMS) scripts that the agent can run for you.