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Since upgrading to 2016 R1 we are receiving errors when trying to assign an inventory category to a new inventory record. e.g. applying the category 'Servers' to new inventory records for virtual servers When you select multiple records from the 'All Inventory' view and status is filtered to Active. Open the records to assign them all to 'Server' category, you are unable to save. Error Message: The value 'Select a value' is not valid for ComplianceStatus. The value 'Select a value' is not valid for Role. 'Select a value' was not an issue in 2015 R2 SP5.

Steps To Reproduce

the steps to reproduce are:
- Navigate to all inventory page
- Identify devices that require a category change
- Multi select records that require a category
- Click Open
- Change Category to servers
- *Note Compliance Status displays greyed out text 'Multiple Values'
- Click Save
- Red text appears 'The value 'Select a value' is not valid for ComplianceStatus.

This was tested using 3 records, two had a 'Compliance Status' of 'Compliant' and one had a 'Compliance Status' of 'New'. This was not an issue previously. When performing the category change on the single new inventory the category change is fine When multi selecting the 2 records that are compliant the category change is fine


this is a known issue tracked under FNMS-29433.
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Version history
Last update:
‎May 17, 2018 02:24 AM
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