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This article details log files and locations that are used within FlexNet Manager Suite.

If you see a log file that you're not expecting or are having trouble finding a log file on a particular computer, make sure you have considered the following key points:

  • The web, batch, and inventory server components may be installed all on one server or installed across two, three, or more servers.
  • It's possible to install beacon components on the batch server.
  • Some components and associated logs are shared between the beacon and inventory agent. Shared components are fully detailed below.
  • The inventory agent components may be installed on any of the servers.

Many log files are created using the log4net logging framework, so common log4net configuration options can be used in log4net configuration files. These configuration files are typically placed in a base folder, which is specified in the registry as explained below, or in some cases, they may be placed alongside the associated executable.

Other log file locations are specified directly by registry entry values.

Application and beacon server logging

Logging location

The default base directory containing log4net configuration files for FlexNet Manager Suite application server components and generated log files is C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Compliance\Logging\.

This base directory may be overridden by setting the registry entry HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Compliance\CurrentVersion\LoggingBaseDirectory.

Logging configuration

Configuration files are installed in the logging base directory for many application server components. Each configuration file is an XML document containing log4net configuration settings. In many cases, the location containing log files references the property %property{ComplianceLoggingPath}. This property is expanded to be the LoggingBaseDirectory path.

The configuration files in LoggingBaseDirectory can be edited using a text editor to adjust the logging level. Open the relevant configuration file and find the <root> element. Adjust the <level value="INFO"/> line to the desired logging level. Typical options are ERROR, WARN, INFO, and DEBUG.

Logging from application server components

The following table provides default logging configuration details for various application server components and subsystems.

Component / Subsystem Location under C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Compliance\Logging Application server type(s)

Web UI

Events from core parts of the web interface. Typically contains details from red error bars that appear in the UI with an error ID in the log matching the ID shown in the UI.

WebUI\WebUI.log Web

Batch processor service

Events from the "FlexNet Manager Suite Batch Processor" Windows service. The batch processor service receives jobs from the scheduler, runs the job and then sends a message to indicate success back to the scheduler. This log shows details of tasks being run by the batch processor, including what command line is used to launch the task.

BatchProcessScheduler\ BatchProcessor.log


Batch process scheduler service

Events from the "FlexNet Manager Suite Batch Process Scheduler" Windows service. The scheduler service picks up messages from Microsoft Message Queue queues to trigger tasks add tasks to a queue, and then sends the tasks to the batch processor service for processing. Logging shows when a task is received and sent for processing and when the batch processor indicates the task has been completed.

BatchProcessScheduler\ BatchProcessScheduler.log


Batch process task execution

Events from the BatchProcessTask*.exe executables. Rarely useful but should be checked when troubleshooting batch processor issues. Logs when a task is queued with the batch processor and also logs the output when you run BatchProcessTaskConsole.exe manually to list tasks.

BatchProcessTask\ BatchProcessTask.log


Compliance import

Import of inventory from data sources into the compliance database and license reconcile operations.

The compliance import process can create folders on the batch server with a GUID name and containing an import log file. These log folders and files are normally deleted before the associated import process completes. However, sometimes this cleanup is not performed (like when an import is terminated prematurely), and the folder is left behind. It is generally safe to delete such folders if they're about seven days old or more.

ComplianceReader\ importer-[ddmmyyyy]-[pid].log

<GUID>\ importer-[ddmmyyyy]-[pid].log


Beacon services

Logs events relating to beacons that report to this server (through the inventory-beacons virtual directory in IIS). Not to be confused with logging from locally installed beacon components. Some examples of information captured in these logs are:

  • Generating and sending updated discovery export files to beacons
  • Triggering inventory imports after a third-party inventory package is uploaded from a beacon
  • Triggering a business adapter import after an adapter zip file is uploaded from a beacon
  • Generating and distributing new InventorySettings.xml files when the ARL gets updated



Content library updates (2018 R2 and later)

Logging from content library update processes. Details the steps taken to download and update content.

Content\mgsImportRecognition.log, recognition.log and importPURL.log


Content library updates (prior to 2018 R2)

Log files for library update processes are stored in the %TEMP% folder of the user who launched MgsImportRecognition.exe.

To determine where logs will be stored, identify which user account launched the MgsImportRecognition.exe process. If the library update has been triggered by the scheduled task on the batch server, this will typically be the account used to run the "FlexNet Manager Suite Batch Processor" Windows service. If MgsImportRecognition.exe is executed manually, then the log will be in the temp folder of the running user.

C:\Windows\Temp for processes invoked using the SYSTEM identity


%TEMP% of the service account


Web resolver dispatcher

This log captures events from the web resolvers about the import into the database of various data files that are uploaded from beacons. The most common types of files processed include ActionStatus, ActiveDirectory, ActivityStatus, BeaconStatus, ClientAccess, Discovery, Inventories, Logs, and Usage Data.

This does not include uploads of third-party inventory (like SCCM) or business adapter imports.



Web resolver activity status

Similar to the dispatcher log, this log captures events from the web resolver about the import of information into the database. This log is specifically for .activity files. Activity files form a lot of the information you see on the System Tasks page in the UI. If you're troubleshooting a problem with the System Tasks page, this log may be useful.



Beacon status

Similar to the dispatcher log, this log captures events from the web resolver about the import of information into the database. This log is specifically for .bstat files.



FlexNet Manager Suite to ServiceNow Export logs

The path for this log file is configured in the file <InstallDir>\DotNet\bin\ ServiceNowExport\ fnmp_servicenow_export.exe.config.



SAP reader

Captures information about the import of SAP inventory. On the batch server, generally, a zip file containing SAP inventory is uploaded from a beacon, which is then unzipped and imported into the FlexNet Manager Suite database. Be sure to also check SAPReader.log on the beacon.



SAP reconciliation

Logging from the batch process that recalculates a SAP license position.

SAPReconciliation\ SAPReconciliation.log Batch

SAP portal

Events from the SAP Portal UI.

SAPPortalUI\SAPPortalUI.log Web

Single sign-on

SAML or OAuth 2.0 single sign-on (SSO) logging. Logging related to requests to the identity provider can be used in conjunction with the WebUI log for troubleshooting SSO issues.

OAuth\sso.log Web

Compliance API

Logging from an internal SOAP web API service. This web service is used for various integrations between Flexera products.

FNMSWebAPI\fnmswebapi.log Web

Baseline imports

Logs from baseline purchase import operations.

BaselineImport\<GUID>\ BaselinePurchaseCreation.log


Business data imports

Logs from business adapter imports. Typically, a business adapter will run on a beacon, which will read information from the source and create a zip file with the data, which is uploaded to the batch server. Then the batch server unzips this file and processes the information into the compliance database. Be sure to check beacon logs when troubleshooting business adapters.

BatchDataImport\ BusinessImport.log



Shadow host process launcher

Instead of the batch processor launching executables directly, it actually launches ShadowHost.exe, which launches the target executables. This logging captures information from ShadowHost processes.

Examples of tasks captured include:

  • Compliance import and reconcile operations
  • Business adapter imports with MGSBI.exe
  • ServiceNow exports
  • Database maintenance tasks
  • SAP imports
  • ARL imports
These logs are most useful if you'd like to see command lines used to invoke various processes or if executables completely fail to launch. If an executable launches but then fails, you will generally find the log file from that process more useful. For example, if a compliance import process is started successfully but then fails to complete, check the Compliance Import logs.

ShadowHost logging also enables some interesting logging from both batch process services. For example, you can see database queries made by these services.

TIP: ShadowHost logging can be enabled by adding a new DWORD registry entry HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Compliance\ CurrentVersion\ ShadowHostTracingEnabled with the value "1".



Cognos package import

Importing the Cognos/Flexera Analytics package is a one-off configuration task. Results are logged in this file.

CognosPackageImport\ CognosPackageImport.log



Logging from beacon server components

The following table provides default logging configuration details for various beacon server components and subsystems.

Component / Subsystem

Location under C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Compliance\Logging

Active Directory import

This log captures the execution of Active Directory imports which are configured on the Active Directory Imports page in the Beacon UI. This log captures the LDAP connection being established with the domain controller and the import of Active Directory information. The import produces an .actdir file which is uploaded to the inventory server. Be sure to also check the Dispatcher log on the inventory server to make sure the data is successfully processed into the database.



Beacon engine service

This log captures events from the Beacon Engine Service. This is one of the main log files on a beacon server and captures information about a lot of the background activities performed by a beacon. An example of some of the main events that are captured include downloading and loading beacon policy, downloading updates to discovery and inventory rules, downloading discovery export files, and downloading updated importer XML files.



Beacon IIS app

Captures events from the beacon's web server component. The beacon web server generates and serves agent policy, settings, and upgrade files and accepts incoming files from agents.



Compliance Reader logs

Captures the import of inventory from a data source into the FNMSCompliance database (compliance import) and the license reconcile. This log file tracks several different processes. The most important one is the reconciliation. Each process will be contained in its own log file.

To see the configured imports on a beacon, you can look at the Inventory Systems page in the Beacon UI.


Compliance upload

Logs events about the upload of inventory extracted from external databases and business adapter data. ComplianceUpload.exe is launched by the "Upload third party inventory data" scheduled task.

This process does not include the upload of files received from FlexNet inventory agents (such as inventory NDI files and others).



Discovery and inventory rules

Logs events from the execution of Discovery & Inventory rules. You can see the configured rules in the Beacon UI on the Rules page. Each rule execution will generate a new GUID (the task's unique SessionUID) which is used in the directory path when storing the log files.

TIP: When troubleshooting, sort the InventoryRule logging folder by the last modified date to find the most recently created folder after triggering rule execution manually in the Beacon UI.


Inventory Beacon UI and processes

Captures events from the BeaconUI and various other tasks performed by the local inventory beacon. The BeaconEngine.log will generally be the main log to look at when troubleshooting a beacon, but it's worth checking this too.



Package retriever

Downloads of upgrade and adoption packages.

Log file location configured through the registry entry: HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\PackageRetriever\CurrentVersion\LogFile

%TEMP%\ManageSoft\ packageretriever.log

%TEMP% is the temporary directory of the user running the process or C:\WINDOWS\Temp for SYSTEM-run processes.


The beacon also shares a number of components with the agent. See the FlexNet inventory agent logging section below for details of logging from these components.

Other server logging

Internet Information Services logs

Internet Information Services (IIS) logs all incoming and outgoing web requests. The logs show the resource that was requested, the requestor IP, the HTTP status code, etc. See ASP.NET : Troubleshooting Applications with IIS Logs for more information.

Location: Typically %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex[yymmdd].log

The location can be configured by navigating to the Default Web Site node in IIS Manager, then double click on Logging on the right page.

Windows Event Viewer

Various components involved in the operation of the FlexNet Manager Suite system create entries in Windows Event Viewer, which can be relevant and helpful for troubleshooting.

FlexNet inventory agent logging

Logging location

FlexNet inventory agent logs are typically stored at:

  • On Windows: C:\Windows\Temp\ManageSoft for processes invoked using the SYSTEM identity, or C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\ManageSoft for processes invoked as a named user

    TIP: When connecting to a computer using a remote desktop, watch out for temporary session folders that may contain logs, for example, C:\Users\TonyM\AppData\Local\Temp\6\ManageSoft. RDP generates a temporary session folder by default for %TEMP%. Make sure you are looking at the correct log by checking the timestamps.

  • On Unix-like operating systems: /var/opt/managesoft/log

Logging configuration

Agent log file locations can be overridden by specifying the LogFile agent preference for different agent components.

On Windows:

  • These preferences are stored in the registry under HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\<Component>\CurrentVersion.
  • LogFile preference values usually include a reference to a variable like $(TempDirectory), which expands to the system temporary directory for the user that the associated process is running as. This is why you may see the location of files change depending on the user who ran a process. Under normal operating conditions, agent processes typically run as the local SYSTEM account whose $(TempDirectory) is C:\Windows\Temp. When an agent process is invoked manually, it will run as your own user account.

On Unix-like operating systems:

  • The preferences are stored in a virtual registry in the /var/opt/managesoft/etc/config.ini file.

Logging from inventory agent components

The following table provides default logging configuration details for various inventory agent components.

Component Log file

Installation (ndlaunch.exe)

Captures events relating to the agent downloading and applying policy, client settings, schedule, failover settings, and update packages.


Inventory (ndtrack.exe)

Captures events from the inventory gathering process, including hardware and software inventory details.


Policy (mgspolicy.exe)

Log file for the download and application of agent policy.


Scheduling (ndschedag.exe)

Log file for the application and execution of agent schedule events.


Security service (mgssecsvc.exe)

Captures events from the "Flexera Inventory Manager security service" Windows Service. This service has two plugins: the usage agent and the VDI endpoint plugin.

NOTE: This log file is difficult to relocate and has no registry preference. Configuration may be possible with a configuration file alongside mgssecsvc.exe.


Upload (ndupload.exe)

Captures events from the ndupload process, which are used to upload all types of files that can generated by the agent.

Upload logging associated with an inventory gathering (ndtrack) process appears in the tracker log. If an upload by the tracker process fails, logging from subsequent upload attempts of the same inventory file will appear in the upload agent log.

The upload agent is heavily used by beacons as well as managed devices. Inspecting upload agent logs on beacons is often useful for troubleshooting upload problems.


Docker monitor (fnms-docker-monitor.exe)

Monitors Docker to identify containers from which inventory should be gathered.

NOTE: The path and filename of this log file cannot be modified from its default value.



Captures events from the usage agent which meters running applications. The usage agent runs under the "Flexera Inventory Manager security service" Windows service.



Captures events from the VDI endpoint agent. Only relevant on Citrix XenDesktop devices (Windows only).


Other specialized agent logs

Adoption logs

Logging from the initial installation of an agent when a device is being adopted through execution of a Discovery & Inventory rule. Adoption logs may be useful when valid credentials have been provided for the beacon, and it's managed to connect to the device successfully, but the installation subsequently fails.


  • C:\Windows\Temp\adoption.log (Windows)
  • /var/tmp/flexera/log/ndinstlr.log and ndinstlrsh.log (Unix-like operating systems)

Windows Installer log from the agent installation

This is the Windows Installer log file for the agent install. Created by default only when using the setup.exe to install the agent.

Location: %TEMP%\FlexNet Inventory Agent.msi.log (Windows only)

TIP: To generate a Windows Installer log file if you are invoking msiexec directory to install the agent, you can use a command line like the following: msiexec.exe /i "FlexNet Inventory Agent.msi" /l*v "%TEMP%\FlexNet Inventory Agent.msi.log"

If you want to capture a Windows Installer log for an adoption or other automated install, you can enable Windows Installer logging system-wide on a device by adding the following registry entry (you may need to create the key):

HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer\Logging = voicewarmupx

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100% helpful (9/9)
Level 10

Hi @dcollins ,

This really helps particularly related to FNMS>ServiceNow where there is no clue till day.

Appreciate all your efforts.




By Level 17 Champion
Level 17 Champion

Please consider adding etap.trace & etcp.trace.

Flexera Alumni

Hi mfranz, I am afraid it is not included in this document yet as I don't currently have a full breakdown of the options listed in trace logging, I will enhance this once I obtain the information.

That said we do have how to perform trace logging as separate KB articles for those that are interested, the trace config file itself tends to be pretty self-explanatory as to what information it gathers but I agree a document going into detail would be best

By Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

Hi @mfranz

We have a consolidated KB article around trace level logging, including ETCP, ETDP, and ETAP. you can find the KB here.

This article covers the options with the Agent side of trace logging  and will soon be updated with the other options for the beacon and batch trace level logging 

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 01, 2024 02:09 PM
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