ServiceNow ACL (Access Control List) rules define who have read/write/create/delete rights to data/tables. The ACLs created by the Flexera integration application breaks the OOTB behavior and no one without 'flexera.admin' or 'flexera.viewer' roles can access CMDB tables.
Replication Scenario
- Create two ServiceNow dev instances different versions - (5.0.472) and (5.0.316)
- Create a user and assigned it ITIL on both environments
- on (5.0.316) - can access the CMDB tables
- on (5.0.472) - it blocks access to the CMDB tables
- Engineering provided a patch that will remove all the read restrictions implemented in 5.0.472. Please see attached ( )
- Extract the file and open it with any text editor
- In your ServiceNow instance - using the navigator, enter "scripts - background."
- In this view, you can copy and paste the contents of the provided script into the text-box
- Run the script
- To properly use Flexera Integration app, user should already have "itil" role on top of "x_fls_flexera_fnms.admin" or "x_fls_flexera_fnms.viewer" privilege.
- Flexera role will not replace or include ServiceNow default ITIL or ITIL_ADMIN role
Version Fix Target
ServiceNow Integration v5.0.500