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Aggregation showing completed in "Aggregation Status report", but actually data is not aggregated properly, there is also a "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int." error in the log file.


The Aggregation is showing completed in "Aggregation Status report", but actually data not aggregated properly. When viewing the flexnet.log from the Reporting module the following error is present:

<DateandTime>ERROR [remotereporting.databaseutils] [Thread-1146] Unexpected aggregation error ception: Arithmetic overflow error conve rting expression to data type int.
at erException.makeFromDatabaseError(SQLSer
at erStatement.getNextResult(SQLServerState

at com.flexnet.remotereporting.dbwareho use.AggregationManager.aggregateByDates(
... 5 more
<DateandTime> ERROR [remotereporting.databaseutils] [Thread-1146] There was an error encountered during Aggregation: Error in aggregation preparations
<DateandTime> ERROR [services.dwaggregation] [Thread-1146] [Incident# 4996-181410129] Failed to get the name of the vendor for aggregation task ID = 124
<DateandTime> DEBUG [reporting.rdloader] [Thread-1146] AlertQueue.createMessage - response =
<DateandTime> ERROR [services.dwaggregation] [Thread-1146] Aggregation failed.


This error is caused by a known issue and has been assigned the following reference number FNMEA-6696. This has been resolved in the FNMEA 2016 R2 release scheduled for release later in 2017.

Steps To Reproduce

-Run an aggregation with the relevant report logs imported.
-Wait for the task to report a status of completed.
-Review the flexnet.log for the Reporting module for the error referenced above.


Upgrade to FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications 2016 R2.

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Last update:
‎Jun 08, 2020 04:00 AM
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