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tracker.log files are last updated 2 months back on windows server

Hi Team,

Attached is tracker.log file for a Windows server where it is showing till 23rd April in FNMS console but the last updated date for the log files is till 3rd March only. Kindly check the attachment.

Let me know how to resolve this issues. Any shared document or link will help me also.

Awaiting your kind responses.


Rahul Ranjan

(5) Replies

Hi Rahul,

does the agent still collecting and upload inventory? If yes, is logging set correctly in regisry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Tracker\CurrentVersion\)

If not, you can exec the ndschedag from the cmd for checking all schedules.


ndschedag -t machine


 If the ndschedag doesn´t show any schedules you´ll need to perform a policy download using cmd


mgspolicy -t machine -o DownloadLocation="http(s)://<BEACONFQDN>/ManageSoftDL"


 After that check the ndschedag again for populated schedules.

| sleep, code, eat, repeat |

hi there,

i am attaching schedule.log file also. It is also generating till march only.

let me know your solution for this


Rahul Ranjan


Maybe FlexNet Manager Suite Logging Reference would be a good starting point for your investigations and troubleshooting?

And of course you can request assistance by contacting Flexera Support.



Just check your agent services status & restart the services. Then run below command to update policy & ndtrack.


C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageSoft\Policy Client\mgspolicy.exe -t Machine -o DownloadRootURL=https://beaconserver/ManageSoftDL

C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageSoft\Tracker\ndtrack.exe -t machine -o UploadLocation="https://BeaconServer/ManageSoftRL"

Non Windows

/opt/managesoft/bin/mgspolicy -t Machine -o DownloadRootURL=https://BeaconURL/ManageSoftDL

/opt/managesoft/bin/ndtrack -t machine -o UploadLocation="https://beaconServer/



Before any further troubleshooting initially restart agent serveries with the following commands:



Open the command prompt "As Administrator" and execute follwoing commands

stop ndinit
start ndinit

stop mgssecsvc
start mgssecsvc




After that validate the network connectivity from the target server towards Flexera FNMS Beacon server. You can test the by pinging and telnet on port 443 (https) and 80 (http).  following is telnet command:

Just replace the IP address with the Beacon's IP address.

ping test:








Telnet test:




telnet 443




Additionally you can update the server HOSTFILE with the Flexera Beacon server details

How to Edit Your Hosts File on Windows, Mac, or Linux  

In case network connectivity is not working then you should contact cyber security team to enable the firewalls for targeted servers and Flexera Beacon servers and don't move to next steps before fixing the network connection.

Now I assume network connecting is working and server can successfully ping and telnet Flexera Beacons.

Now you can execute the agent for inventory gathering but before that I suggest you taking a backup of the managesoft logs and delete the old logs also delete the old .NDI file from the folder because agent will generate new logs and inventory file (.NDI)

Following are the paths logs and .NDI




managesoft logs file path

Windows OS:

Unix Like OS:


NDI file path

Unix Like OS:

Windows OS:
C:\ProgramData\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Tracker\Inventories
C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\ManageSoft\Tracker\Inventory




Now that network connecting is successful let execute the agent to gather the inventory 

Windows Agent:

  1. Logon to the target compute
  2. Open an “As Administrator” command prompt
  3. Cd C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageSoft\Schedule Agent\
  4. Execute following command to load the agent: ndschedag.exe -t machine
  5. Observer the events in the agent windows and one by one right click on each event and "Run"

Observe the managesoft logs folder the Inventories folder for new NDI file (NDI file takes sometime generating depending on the server HDD size roughly 30 minutes).

Unix like OS:

  1. Logon to the target computer
  2. Open a sudo command prompt
  3. Execute the following command: /opt/managesoft/bin/ndtrack -t machine
  4. Once complete check the logs (tracker.log) and Inventory file (.NDI)