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Simulation of FNMS-DataExport to ServiceNOW possible?

Dear FNMS ServiceNOW Experts,

we dont have physical connection to serviceNOW awailable at the moment - we are early stages; the FNMS-Licensefeature is enabled.

We are using FNMS 2020r1 on prem.

Is there a manual way to trigger the "FULL ServiceNOW export" so that we can verify the data to go out of FNMS and later into ServiceNOW? - or even a select in SQL would be sufficient.

Like a "dry run" if you like.

there are some lowlevel sql queries but i am a kind of stuck here

C:\Program Files (x86)\Flexera Software\FlexNet Manager Platform\DotNet\bin\ServiceNowExport\DataBase\*

Without having the physical connection (user + service now server + token) I could not manage to get any output of FNMS.

Your ideas and hints are much apprechiated - thanks - Steffen

(1) Solution

I now have managed to adopt the out of the box sql statements and you can simply see the data in sql management stuidio.

- contracts

- inventory

the application sql is currently not in a working mode...



View solution in original post

(5) Replies

Hey Steffen,

You can try passing connection parameters through the command line to test your connection see if that helps

C:\Program Files (x86)\Flexera Software\FlexNet Manager Platform\DotNet\bin\ServiceNowExport\fnmp_servicenow_export.exe /?

Usage: fnmp_servicenow_export.exe
Required switches:
-user [string] (ServiceNow user id to authenticate connection)
-token [string] (ServiceNow token to authenticate connection)
-url [string] (URL to ServiceNow instance)
-endpoint [string] (ServiceNow endpoint to export data to)
Optional switches:
-connectionTest true (Check connection with ServiceNow)
-withApplications false (Exclude Applications from export)
-withContracts false (Exclude Contracts from export)
-withHardwareInventory false (Exclude HardwareInventory from export)
-changes true (Only send changes since last export)
-changesSince YYYY-MM-DD (Only send changes since date) 
-changesPeriod (Only send changes since number of days in period)

thanks Aamer for your hint,


unfortunatly I do NOT have any connection (no user, no Token etc...) like i originally described - so I am more looking for some kond of "offline mode" here to generate a ServiceNOW export without any ServiceNOW connection...or at least generate some view onto the data which would be exported if there would be a connection.



Hello Steffen
The ServiceNow_Inventory and ServicNow_Application, are the tables where data is staged.
I don't think it's possible to do an export using the executable, it has required switches (user + service now instance + token).
You could attempt to create the table from above by directly manipulating the SQL script for Inventory.
Uncomment something like the following:
Then Qeury table ServiceNow_Inventory:
SELECT * FROM serviceNow_inventory
@AamerSharif  do you have any further insight into how with no connection to a SNow instance the adapter could pipe to a file or staging tables? 

Thanks James,

that was exactly how far I got before I got s5tuck stuck...the query is runing into errors I dont have them at hand right now



I now have managed to adopt the out of the box sql statements and you can simply see the data in sql management stuidio.

- contracts

- inventory

the application sql is currently not in a working mode...

