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Hi All, 

Please can anyone offer some guidance on how flexera looks at robots - in particular Blue Prism?

I have some proof of entitlement to add into flexera but the guidelines on how robots will be recognised has been a bit vague. 

We purchase this as a subscription however blue prism doesnt appear to already be in the Flexera Library. I'd therefore need to create a license and choose an appropriate license type. Subscription isn't an option on here so id normally check EULA's/Agreements etc to establish if this is a device or user license. With this however i'm struggling to get past any documentation simply referring to them as robots. 

Is there an option i'm overlooking?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Kirsty

(2) Replies

Hi @Kirsty_Mills ,

Not sure I understand the issue completely so here are my 2 cents, hope someone else can contribute more: 
I suppose that depends on what Blue Prism and the robots are installed on. We run them on VDI's with specified naming standard both for the devices/VDI's and for the robot user accounts. 

The version we run (2019 R2 on prem) recognizes multiple versions of Blue Prism as applications so you would have to link your purchases to applications via a license as usual. 

Please let me know if that helps at all. 

Hello Kristy, 


I have successfully licensed BluePrism, unfortunately there is no one simple way of doing it. From my side i was able to identify the machines where the Blue Prism Bot is installed, then I have agreed with Application owner to name the specific production servers with bots names. As you might be aware Blue Prism does let you use free licensed environment (Depending on your contract).


I have worked out with Allocation/unallocation by the VM name /OS where the bot is hosted/installed.  

For me works well, however requires maintenance and sync with your product owner.

Hope this helps.




A. MacBeath
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