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Report Local Evidences to Flexera


is there any way to report local evidences to get an allocation to an application? Or do we this manually?

If im right, in the past there was a template for evidences which shouldb be allocated to an application at one of the upcoming ARL updates. Or is this only for evidences with "Source Flexera" (and not "Source: Local")?


Thanks in advance

(1) Solution
Marcel - If you have "Unrecognized Evidence", you can filter your list, download the Unrecognized Evidence as Excel and then submit to Support to be processed by the Flexera Content Team for a future ARL Update.

If there is an immediate need to run reports to show the unrecognized evidence as an Installed Application, you have the ability to:
a) Manually link the evidence to an existing ARL entry
b) Create a Local Catalog entry using this evidence.


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(1) Reply
Marcel - If you have "Unrecognized Evidence", you can filter your list, download the Unrecognized Evidence as Excel and then submit to Support to be processed by the Flexera Content Team for a future ARL Update.

If there is an immediate need to run reports to show the unrecognized evidence as an Installed Application, you have the ability to:
a) Manually link the evidence to an existing ARL entry
b) Create a Local Catalog entry using this evidence.
