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O365 Data Issues

By Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

Hi Team,

One of our customers reported that the O365 data that is shown in the portal is different from that of the imported data in FNMS. While most of the data is same,

1. For couple of licenses, entitlments shown as 3180 in FNMS while the entitlements on the portal says 40k

2. One particular is not present in FNMS (not sure ever imported to fnms or not)

3. Consumption quantities also not matching with the portal data

Can you please suggest any best way to validate/troubleshoot this issue


Rajesh Ponnala


(3) Replies
By Level 17 Champion
Level 17 Champion

Hi Rajesh,

I would start looking into the related "Imported" tables.

USE FNMSCompliance

SELECT * FROM ImportedSoftwareLicense
SELECT * FROM ImportedUser
SELECT * FROM ImportedSoftwareLicenseAllocation

This might give you an idea if the data from the cloud is broken or if there is a processing issue later in the process.

Best regards,



Verified in db as you mentioned in imported software license table and found this data itself not matching with the data from the portal.


Rajesh Ponnala

Sounds like the inventory adapter/reader might have an issue. No idea how the whole O365 roles and rights stuff is working, but could it be that access rights are missing?

Is it an issue with specific products or in general?